Town of Stettler Council Approves 2023 Tax Budget
At the Regular Council Meeting of May 16th, 2023, the Town of Stettler Council adopted the 2023 Operating (Tax) Budget of $22,174,359 with an average municipal property tax class change of 4% for both residential and non-residential properties. This tax class increase follows three (3) years of the 0% change seen from 2020-2022, which was adopted in light of the detrimental financial impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Says Mayor Sean Nolls,
“With the past three years of 0% increases and two years of not increasing utility rates, we have had to look at the long-term impact for our organization and be mindful of inflation. With this in mind, we have set a rate that will support the high level of service that we provide and considers the aging infrastructure within our town. We are confident that the budget adopted by Council addresses all of these needs and will set us up for long-term sustainability.”
Funding from the Operating Budget is used to support ongoing operations and maintain core infrastructure within the Town of Stettler. Additionally, funds from the Operating Budget are allocated to community services including Seniors Housing, the Stettler Public Library, Regional Landfill, Stettler Family & Community Support Services, the Heartland Youth Centre and more.
The 2023 Operating Budget can be viewed in full at, where ratepayers can also find a Tax Calculator Tool that provides a year-by-year property tax comparison. Combined Assessment and Tax Notices will be distributed on May 23rd, 2023.