Taxes & Finance

Taxes & Finance

For full information regarding Taxation, Capital Budgets, Operating Budgets and Financial Statements, please view the files below. All financial inquiries can be directed to Town Administration at 403-742-8305. If you would like to receive your annual Tax Notice and Assessment through email please fill out the emailing authorization form and submit it to

Emailing Authorization Form

Tax Calculator


Taxation & Assessment

The 2024 Combined Assessment and Tax Notices are mailed to all property owners on May 23, 2024.  Notice of Assessment Date:  May 31, 2024.   

If you have purchased a property in the last 6 months or if you do not receive your notice, please contact the Town Office at 403-742-8305.

The assessment roll is open to inspection at the Town Office and any person may inspect the assessment roll during regular business hours.  An assessed person or a taxpayer wishing to make a complaint about any assessment or tax must do so in accordance with relevant provisions under the Municipal Government Act and Regulations.  There is no right to make a complaint about any tax rate.

Taxes may be paid at the Town Office by cash, cheque or debit card.  They may also be paid online with the following banks:  CIBC, TD Trust, Credit Union, ATB, Scotia Bank, Royal Bank, and Bank of Montreal. Please ensure that you select the Town of Stettler.  You may also sign up for the Monthly Tax Payment Plan.

Payment Deadline

As per Bylaw 2149-22, the tax payment deadline date is the last business day of June

There is an option to pay your taxes via our Monthly Preauthorized Payment Plan. To get more information, please contact the Town Office at 403-742-8305 or 

Assessment Complaints

The Last Day to Appeal your assessment is July 30, 2024.  Please be aware that changes to provincial legislation have had a significant impact on the filing and processing of assessment complaints.  If you do not agree with your property assessment please call the Town Office (403-742-8305) as soon as possible, well before the "Final Date of Complaint".  Assessors will provide you with sufficient information about your valuation.  If you are still not satisfied that your assessment is accurate, you may file a complaint with the Assessment Review Board and a formal hearing will be held.

Persons wishing to file an assessment complaint must first obtain (and complete in full) a copy of the provincially prescribed Complaint Form.  Alberta Municipal Affairs has prepared several guides to help you understand the assessment complaint process.

The completed form, relevant documents and filing fee of $50 per property must be filed with the Assessment Review Board by the "Final Date of Complaint" shown on the Combined Assessment and Tax Notice at the Town of Stettler  Attn:  Rachel  5031 - 50 Street, Stettler, AB  T0C 2L0.  Complaints will not be accepted after the final date of complaint.

General Reassessment

The Town of Stettler has a contract with Municipal Property Consultants (2009) Ltd. to provide assessment services in the Town.  Assessors from Municipal Property Consultants (2009) Ltd. will be conducting a General Reassessment of Properties within Stettler.

A General Reassessment of a property is conducted so that all characteristics of the property that affect the assessment are considered when the assessor determines the property’s value. All newly constructed properties require an inspection. Likewise, existing properties need to be reviewed from time to time to ensure the information that is used to create the property’s assessment remains accurate, fair and equitable to other residential properties.

During an on-site inspection, the assessor will first explain the purpose of the visit, and request permission to carry out the inspection. The assessor will observe, record, and verify relevant physical details of the property. This may include both an interior and exterior inspection of the property.

Under the Municipal Government Act Section 294, an assessor may enter and inspect property and request any document to be produced to assist in preparing the assessment. The legislation states:

◾The assessor is required to give reasonable notice to the owner or occupier before an inspection.

◾The inspection must be at a reasonable time.

◾The sole purpose of the inspection or requesting a document must be for the preparation of an assessment of the property.

◾The assessor must be able to produce identification, if requested

If you have any questions please call Municipal Property Consultants at 403-309-4190 or the Town of Stettler at 403-742-8305 - Thank you for your cooperation!


Link to Municipal Affairs Assessment and Taxation page

Link to Alberta Municipal Affairs Assessment Complaints and Appeals page

All the above forms and guides are available for download and are listed below.

Operating Budgets