Want to rent "The HUB" for birthdays, anniversaries, etc.? Well you can! Days and times are limited to non-activity days. $300 damage deposit, $300 per day. Call the Stettler Recreation Centre for bookings @ 403-742-4411, or drop in and see us at 6202 - 44 Ave.  Rentals are limited to 11:30pm daily.

If you are interested in renting the hub, please check out the meeting rooms page

Meeting Rooms

Drop in groups

Some regular groups include: The Senior Centre Drop In Club, Old Tyme Dance Club, Billiards, Alberta 55 Plus, Heartland Quilt Guild, and Stettler Bridge Club. 




Monday to Friday @ 12pm

Contact Harvey McNeil @ 403-742-3823.

Heartland Quilt Guild

Contact Fran Smith @ 403-742-3626.

Old Time Dance Club

Every third Saturday of the month 1:30-6pm. Supper at 5pm.
For more information call Terry Crisp at 403-742-5640 

Senior Centre Drop In Group

Membership: $20 per year (includes banquet dinner in December)

To participate in activities, a $2 fee is applied each time.

Don't want to participate? That's ok! Come just for coffee or to watch. Unlimited coffee is $2. 

President: Ila Lunevich 403-742-4151

Meetings are held on the 3rd Monday of the month at The HUB.

We are open to suggestions and are in need of volunteers to help get new activities started. 

Mondays: Canasta at 1:30pm
Tuesdays: Floor Shuffleboard at 10:00 am Crib 1:30pm
Wednesdays: Floor Curling at 1:30pm
Thursdays: Wizard at 1:30pm
Fridays: Open

Billiards: Monday to Friday at 12:00pm

Stettler Bridge Club

Contact Susan Stratulate