The Town of Stettler and County of Stettler are updating our Intermunicipal Development Plan and Southeast Area Structure Plan. These updates lay the track for growth and development for years to come.
In our first round of engagement we asked you “where do you want to go?” and, “what do we need to get there?” focusing on the areas in the proposed IDP Plan Boundary and proposed Southeast ASP Plan Boundary. You provided your feedback on the land uses, servicing and community amenities needed to achieve the joint Town and County vision. Our first round of engagement is now closed. Thank you to everyone who filled out our survey that closed on March 8, your information is being considered in the draft IDP and ASP.
In case you missed the survey, there are more opportunities coming up to be involved in the process and share your thoughts as the Plans are prepared!
Thank you to everyone who joined us at a public event to discuss the Town and County Intermunicipal Development Plan and Southeast Area Structure Plan in May & June 2022.
If you joined a public event or would like to provide additional comments on the proposed IDP and ASP, please fill out our feedback form here.
The comments and feedback you share with us will be considered as the draft plans are prepared.
The draft IDP will be available for you to review on the Town and County websites before the Councils consider the IDP for approval. The Town and County municipal Councils will each consider the IDP at a Public Hearing, where you will have another opportunity to share your thoughts. The IDP is anticipated to be considered by the Town and County Councils in the fall. The Plan must be approved by both Town and County municipal Councils before the IDP will guide growth and development in the Plan area.
The Project Team will gather and consider your feedback as we develop the draft ASP. We will be back for another round of engagement to share the draft ASP concepts and ask for your feedback again in the fall.
The timeline below provides additional details on next steps.
An IDP establishes the framework for growth and development within the Plan area. An IDP also outlines how municipalities will collaborate and cooperate as these developments are brought forward. Both the Town of Settler and County of Stettler municipal Councils must approve the new IDP before the Plan will guide growth and development.
Did you know? The current IDP was approved by the Town and County in 2009. Since adoption the IDP has guided growth and development in the Town and County. The current IDP will be used as the foundation to update the IDP.
Our Shared Track
The IDP is still being developed by the Project Team and will be finalized for Town and County Council consideration after this round of community engagement. The Town and County are planning for future growth, and this includes considering the needs and wants of the community, and to accommodate this the IDP boundaries are being adjusted. The following changes to the current IDP are planned:
The IDP is planned to be structured as follows:
Part 1 - Our Shared Track
This section outlines:
Part 2 - Where We Want To Go
This section includes the Town and County shared IDP goals and values
Part 3 - How We Will Get There
This section includes the Plan’s policies:
Part 4 - How We Will Work Together
This section outlines the role and responsibilities of the Town and County Joint Review Committee, the Referrals Process, and the process for the Town and County Resolution of Disagreements.
Part 5 - Our Implementation Approach
This section describes how the IDP will be applied, reviewed and amended.
The Proposed IDP Boundary, CFO Exclusion Area, Referral Area, and Growth Areas with land uses are shown on the maps below:
To read the existing IDP click here.
An ASP is a long-range statutory planning document that identifies the future growth and land uses of a specific area of land. The Southeast ASP sets out a vision for the future, providing direction for long-term land use and infrastructure planning in the defined area. The ASP must be approved by both municipal Councils.
An ASP will include the following components:
Did you know? The existing Southeast Area Structure Plan is a joint ASP that was adopted by both the Town of Stettler and County of Stettler municipal Councils in 1990. Since then, the Town and County have grown and changed. The Southeast ASP will be updated to reflect the current needs of the community and be designed to facilitate efficient servicing for the area. The ASP will also get a new name! To read the existing ASP click here.
The proposed ASP Boundary is shown below in purple: